Pine nut benefits

2020-06-12 09:33 / Оруулсан: Admin

Pine nut has wonderful effects to prevent the human body from many diseases. It contains 19 amino acids, which are needed for the human metabolism. It is also high in unsaturated fat, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.
Some benefits of pine nut are mentioned below:
  1. Strengthen the immune system
  2. Stabilize the nerve system stress
  3. Improve brain activity and mental power
  4. Heal and prevent goitrogenic
  5. Boost the reproductive health
  6. Improve the digestive system health and metabolism
  7. Heals gastric acid and ulcer
  8. Strengthen bone structure
  9. Good for variety of eczemas
  10. Good for children's growth and development
  11. Good for varicose veins
  12. Good for pregnant woman
  13. Slow down aging and youthen the body
  14. Increase good cholestrol and decrease bad cholestrol
  15. Prevent fatty liver
  16. Appetite supressant